This enhancement is used to invoice payroll hours through Accounts Receivable and eliminate the entry of the same data twice.
- Allows entry of billing data in Payroll Data Entry for billable payroll time
- Billable time posts to the AR Invoice Entry file directly from the Payroll Update
- Parameterized setup for default customers by employee and default billing rates based on payroll rate and/or labor code.
When doing Payroll Data Entry the user has the ability to enter a customer number and hourly billing rate to be used bill the employee’s time to that customer. Reimbursed expenses can also be billed. The billing data prints on the Payroll Audit Report. When payroll is updated, the system creates invoices in the AR Invoice Entry file for any payroll line (earning or deduction) that includes a customer number. A default customer and billing rate can be set by employee. There are numerous options for setting the billing rate from the payroll pay rate including fixed and factored. Default rates can also be set up by PR labor code.